Dermatology in Hastings
Skin Treatments & Services
At Premier Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Center, we understand that living with acne, rosacea, eczema, and other skin conditions can be tough. If you need a trusted dermatologist in Hastings, NE, we are here for you, providing a variety of dermatology services to meet your unique needs.
Call 888-806-6571 to begin the journey to healthy, beautiful skin.
Hastings Location
747 N Burlington Ave, Suite 312
Hastings, NE 68901
Local Phone: 402-462-4872
Fax: 785-537-1938
Business Hours:
Wednesdays – Fridays: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Grand Island Location
820 N. Webb Road, Suite 104
Grand Island, NE 68803
Local Phone: 308-384-0133
Toll-Free: 888-806-6571
Fax: 785-537-1938
Hastings Location
747 N. Burlington Ave, Suite 312
Hastings, NE 68901
Local Phone: 402-462-4872
Toll-Free: 888-806-6571
Fax: 785-537-1938
Kearney Location
2908 W. 39th Street, Suite D
Kearney, NE 68845
Local Phone: 308-270-1100
Toll-Free: 888-806-6571
Fax: 785-537-1938
Satellite Clinic
Cambridge Location
Tri-Valley Health System
1305 Highway 6&34
Cambridge, NE 69022
Toll-Free: 888-806-6571
Fax: 785-537-1938